In the pool or on the deck?

I was reading one of my favorite blogs recently ( and on there I saw a link to another blog ( which I had never read before. On this site, the author was sharing a humorous rant about people who go to the pool, but never actually get in the pool. She said, "I mean, if I’m going to put on a swimsuit? And wear it in public? Well, I’m dang skippy gonna get some kind of reward for that, and I can’t think of any better reward than SOME RELIEF FROM ALL THE HEAT."

Because I am new to her site and I don't really know if she was thinking the same thing as me, I won't assume that my analogy is original, but I couldn't help but see the similarities to following Jesus.

Why would someone be willing to put on a swimsuit, in public, and then not even go in the pool? Why would someone go through the trouble of going to church, but not jump in to the living water with both feet? What keeps people from enjoying the reward that is right in front of them? Is it a fear of looking foolish? Yes, I guess, I might act a little silly in the pool from time to time. I might even flash back to my nine year-old carefree-summer days and see how long I can do a handstand in the pool. (And yes, I realize that this is much less attractive thing to do at my age.) But guess what? Who cares? The pool demands that you act childish and silly. The pool is not there to look at and speak fondly of.

I have met people in my life that can tell me everything about the Bible and Jesus, but I get the impression they have lived their lives on the pool deck - getting a tan, contemplating the beauty of pool, thanking God for giving them the pool, and even inviting other people to join them at the pool. But, they never get wet.

BooMama says, "There are a lot of people who go to the pool without ever getting in the pool. They just sit beside the pool. And then, if they do get in the pool, they do not put their heads in the water."

Doesn't following Jesus mean more than just getting our feet wet? Now men may not understand this, but I know a lot of women will relate. Have you ever tried to be in a pool and not get your hair wet? It's a lot of work, isn't it? There you are, stepping in to a nice, cool, relaxing pool, and yet, you can't really enjoy it. You're constantly thinking about not getting your hair wet. And trust me, from a vanity standpoint, I have done this many times. But not anymore.

I'm jumping in. I want to be all-in when it comes to living for Jesus. Isn't that what he has called us to? If I have been brave enough to put on a swimsuit in public, that is, if I have been brave enough to tell the world that I am following Jesus, why would I then, try to maintain control of my life and not get my hair wet?

So, if the next time you see me, I hope my hair is still wet and that you can tell that I have been swimming in the living water.